Haven’t You Received A Mandate?

The Voice of the Lord is Powerful, the Voice of the Lord is full of Majesty. There is no voice under Heaven that commands the respect of the listener other than the life- giving Voice of the Holy Spirit. Every Word that is sent from the heart of the Father has an impact of seismic proportions that can propel a people called by God to walk in power, authority and magnificent Grace. Obedience to this call will bring about the heart wrenching cry of the repentant who may have fallen out of favor for a time, but has come to a new realization that the love that was meant for you, was never taken from you.

But the choices you made during your life caused you to develop blinders on the sides of your spiritual eyes when you listened to someone other than the One who called you out of darkness, and into His magnificent light. There is no other Name by which a person can be saved. There is only one Redeemer and His Name is forever above every name; it is the Name of Jesus.

Every person that rejects His call does so out of ignorance to his or her own need. Your pride will cause you to reject His call. Pride is nothing more than smoke that has no real substance. You have smelled smoke caused by the burning of wood or substances that can cause your eyes to burn, your sinuses to secrete in response to irritants entering your nasal passages. But this is a different kind of smoke; a different kind of irritant that has caused you to close your eyes in response to a stench that rises up in your memories of the past. To an event, or events that you think no one can see, but you.

But hear the Word of the Lord now: The Word of God you really need to hear is quick, swift and powerful. It is sharper than any double-edged sword. It divides joints and marrow, soul and spirit.  It is the discerner of your thoughts and the intents of your heart. There is nothing hidden from Him to Whom we must give an account. There is nothing in your thoughts or in your memory that isn’t openly seen by the Spirit of Grace. He has the merciful intent of setting you free from those memories and events that have held you bound and captive. His mandate is to free you from the intent of your adversary, who has constantly hounded you to remain captive to his disgusting bidding. But now you shall know the truth, and the Truth Will Set You Free!

I have called you by name, says the Lord, and you are Mine.  I have redeemed you by My own sacrifice. There is no one that can take you from the intent of My heart to deliver you from the enemy of your soul. All that the Father has is Mine, and those who come to Me I shall in no wise cast out. When you call upon Me, I will answer you. and show you things that had been seemingly unsearchable to you, but I will make things known to you.. I will never leave you, nor forsake you. I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. You are going to see that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Freedom to walk along the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake. Open your mouth wide now, and I will fill it with good things so that your youthfulness is renewed as the eagle. For it is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit;  says the Lord.”

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